Fascia is a continuum of structure that weaves throughout our entire body. They are the connective tissue that gives us humans our shape, enveloping every artery, vein, nerve, muscle and bone in our bodies, as well as all of our internal organs such as the heart, lungs, brain and spinal cord.
Anyone who has ever knitted a garment or worn something knitted has an idea of this tightly woven, web-like fabric. If you look closely at an orange, you can see how each part of the fruit, the individual pulp chambers, are surrounded by a thin white layer. This is not so dissimilar to the transparent skin layer that surrounds each segment under the skin, similar to what you see when you cut a chicken breast.
There is no single structure in the entire body that is not connected to or enveloped by fascia. Fascia holds us together and gives us the shape we have.
Things to know about fascia
They are poorly described in classic anatomy textbooks.
Researchers disagree on a comprehensive "fascia" definition.
Therefore, no single definition of what constitutes fascia exists.
There are various descriptions of the anatomical boundaries of fascia.
The Latin term "fascia" refers to a band/bandage, a long and narrow piece of material.
Fascia is referred to differently according to its function and anatomical location.
Function and influence on our health
Fascia's main function includes coordinating the body's movement (biomechanics), position in space (i.e. proprioception), and fluid flow through the body (transmitting nutrients, among other things).
Beyond movement conditions, fascia may also be involved in various unexpected health conditions and diseases, including cancer, lymphedema, gastrointestinal disorders, and many other areas that are currently unexplored.
Evidence suggests that both physical and psychological influences can damage fascia.
"Our issues live in our tissues."
When the fascia is damaged, it is reflected in how we feel on a physical, psychological and emotional level.
Pain is also increasingly associated with fascia.
It's no wonder that fascia has such a significant impact on our bodies. It's everywhere and connected to everything.
So when you train your fascia, you can start to work on deep-seated discomfort, which will help you return to optimal health.
You can accomplish this in several ways. MFR (Myofascial Releasing) and Yin Yoga, are some of the easiest "self-care" ways to work with fascia and is highly beneficial to our overall health and well-being.
The Power of Myofascial Release & Yin Yoga
When we use MFR and Yin, we work with the fascia to rehydrate the connective tissues. As a result, the muscles and ligaments promote hydration and keep the tissues supple, mobile and stable.
The powerful combination of Myofascial Release (MFR) and Yin Yoga, called MyoYin for short, gives you a comprehensive and effective method to eliminate pain and improve mobility and flexibility from head to toe.
radiantly yours,
This blogpost is Inspired by various talks, videos, books and podcasts over the last few years:
Jo Phee, John f. Barnes, Antonio Stecco, Carla Stecco, Thomas W Myers, Thomas W Findley, Robert Schleip und David Lesondak
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About the author:
Sabine Winkler is an internationally active yoga teacher, coach and trainer. She lives and teaches in Vienna and leads workshops, teacher training and retreats worldwide. During her many years of travels, she has completed over 3000 hours of training in the Sivananda Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Iyengar styles. In addition, Sabine is an assistant teacher of the renowned... mehr