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Yin Yoga und Myofasziale Selbstmassage - MyoYin

Mindful Yin Yoga & Anatomy
Teacher training

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The beginning of your Yin Yoga training

60 h Yoga Alliance certified

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Yin Yoga & Myofasziale Selbstmassage - MyoYin

Yogazentrum Mödling ODER Online | 30.Sept.- 2. Okt + 7.-9. Okt 2022

Beschreibung des Moduls:

Description of the Foundation module:


This comprehensive 60-hour training with Sabine Winkler and Philipp Sharma includes the fundamental aspects of Yin yoga and mindfulness practice for yoga teachers and / or committed students. Based on the teaching of Paul Grilley (founder of Yin Yoga), you will get to know the fundamental theory and practice of Yin Yoga poses in detail in an intensive week over 7 days. In addition, you will understand how to design a safe and effective practice, taking into account the variations in the skeleton and the anatomy of the hip. This training also brings a deep level of mindfulness exercises, meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises) and mental techniques with it and a lot of impulses on how you can incorporate all of this into your yoga lessons.

- Theorie und Praxis

 - Neueste Faszienforschung

- Triggerpunkte & Schmerzphysiologie (Basics)

- Selbstmassagetechniken für Körper, Gesicht und Viszeralorgane

 - Roll- und Befreiungstechniken und -methoden

- Variationen der Balltechnik

 - Ballsequenzierung & Lehrmethodik

 - Die Rolle der Faszien und Faszien-Dysfunktionen

 - Faszien-Bounce-Sequenz

 - MyoYin- Myofasziale Selbstmassage

Die 3 Methoden in MyoYin

Mindful MyoYin Sequenzierung

Myofasziale Selbstmassage - Theorie und Praxis

Mindful Yin Yoga & Anatomie Lehrer Ausbi

Achtsamkeit & Atem

- Methoden der Achtsamkeit

- Verbindung von Atem und Nervensystem

- Interozeption vs. Propriozeption

Funktionelle Anatomie



- the 3 levels of mindfulness in Yin Yoga

- Pranayama base (breathing exercises) and relaxation in Yin Yoga

- Meditation in Yin Yoga practice

- Body awareness, visualization and body scan

- Learn to understand physical and emotional energy blockages

- mental training in connection with Yin Yoga

​​ Anatomy of Yoga & Fascia Study


- Skeletal variations and anatomy of the hip

- Teaching about the 10 myofascial groups

- 14-10-7 Yin Yoga Sutras by Paul Grilley

- Stress, contraction and compression theory

- Analysis of Yin Yoga poses

- Fascia theory and chi influence (basic knowledge)

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Lehre, Methodik & Praktikum



- the 3 levels of mindfulness in Yin Yoga

- Pranayama base (breathing exercises) and relaxation in Yin Yoga

- Meditation in Yin Yoga practice

- Body awareness, visualization and body scan

- Learn to understand physical and emotional energy blockages

- mental training in connection with Yin Yoga

​​ Anatomy of Yoga & Fascia Study


- Skeletal variations and anatomy of the hip

- Teaching about the 10 myofascial groups

- 14-10-7 Yin Yoga Sutras by Paul Grilley

- Stress, contraction and compression theory

- Analysis of Yin Yoga poses

- Fascia theory and chi influence (basic knowledge)

Melde dich jetzt an:

✔️6 Tage Yin Yoga & Myofasziale Selbstmassage Ausbildung aufgeteilt auf 2 Blöcke zu je 3 Tagen am Wochenende (Fr-So)

✔️inkl. Zertifikat (60h Yoga Alliance reg.)

✔️plus Skriptum


✔️Zugang zur exklusiven Radiant YINsight Facebook Community

✔️exklusive Live 'Fragen & Antwort' Session nach deinem Yin Yoga Training 

30.Sep.-2. Oktober & 7.-9. Oktober 2022
jeweils Freitag bis Sonntag
09.00 - 17.30 Uhr

vor Ort im Studio Yogazentrum Mödling
oder ONLINE über Zoom


mit Bonus

200,- sparen


bis 31.8.2022

danach 1.120,- Normalpreis

VOR ORT im Studio

mit Bonus

200,- sparen


bis 31.8.2022

danach 1.120,- Normalpreis

Anker 1

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